Move someone to a different user group

The access permissions a user has on your website is mostly controlled by which 'user group' their user record is in.

(In addition to a primary user group, a user record may also be linked with other mailing groups. There are different instructions for adding someone to a mailing group.)

To move a member or other person into a different user group:

  1. having logged in to the website as an administrator, click on the "Users" tab;
  2. find the user record you want to move (either via the "find users" search tool, or by clicking on the name of their current user group);
  3. click the "edit this user's details" button for that user (the  icon, on the right side the listing of users);
  4. select a new group from the "user group" drop-down menu (at the top of the form);
  5. click the "Update User" button to save the new user group setting.
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