Accessing user record as an admin

As an administrator you will be able to view and update all of the fields on a user record, including password, email address, contact details etc. Follow these instructions to find and open a user record for viewing/editing.

1. Having logged in as an administrator, click on the 'users' tab at the top of the page. This will bring you to a page listing all the user groups on the website. You can either:

  • use the "find users" tool to search for users by name, email or membership number
  • click on a user group to browse all its user records 

2. Whether you are searching or browsing a group you will see a list of users :

(Your view may look somewhat different than the above screenshot, with different icons etc, but the fundamental structure should be the same)

3. Select the edit icon () next to the user that you want to edit.

4. You will then see the edit form which will have the various fields for user details that you can edit. Here you can add or update the users details, including their name, email address and password.

5. When you are finished you can save your changes by pressing the update button () at the bottom of the screen .


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