Reset HandicapMaster/Master Scoreboard password for member

These instructions have been produced by HandicapMaster's support team, and describe how a club can reset a member's password on HandicapMaster's Master Scoreboard product. If you have any questions or are still having problems with Master Scoreboard please contact HandicapMaster directly and they will be happy to help you.

Resetting a password in Master Scoreboard

  1. Log in to your Master Scoreboard control panel.
  2. On the main page, scroll down to the ‘Password Management’ section. Click “Manage Individual Passwords” button.
  3. Alongside “Reset Passwords For”, click on the “Choose a member” button.
  4. Locate the player in question and click the reset button alongside their name. Players are only listed if they have set a password.

This will reset the password to the club's default password. The member may then log in once more and set a new password.

Changing a password in HandicapMaster

Alternatively, you may change the player's password using HandicapMaster, as follows:

  1. In HandicapMaster, navigate to the "All Members" list.
  2. Double-click on the player to edit his/her details.
  3. Select the "Master Scoreboard" tab.
  4. Click on the blue text SET PLAYER'S PASSWORD.
  5. Enter the new password for the player and click OK.
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