Set up CLUB2000 to export member data for CLUB View

This article contains instructions for the once-only task of creating a report/list in Club Systems ‘CLUB2000’, which you can then use to export membership data in the right format to be imported into your CLUB View website.

  1. Click the “Reports” button in CLUB2000, then click on the “Lists” tab.
  2. Assuming there is not already a “CLUB View” list, click the “New” button.
  3. In the “List Wizard” window click “Next” button.
  4. Select and remove “Title/Inits/Surname” from the “selected fields” column.
  5. Adding the following fields to “selected fields” strictly in this order: RecordNumber; Title; Surname; Forename; DOB; Card No; Category (Short); Category; EmailAddress; Home Tel; MobilePhone; PostCode.
  6. Click the “Next” button.
  7. Give your new list the name “CLUB View”, then click the “Finish” button.

Once you have completed these steps you can then use your new CLUB2000 'list' to export a file of membership data you can then upload to the website.

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