CLUB View integration with MH Systems COBRA

Membership list & contact details

The CLUB View website connects to COBRA to retrieve members’ details, and updates the website’s internal register of members with new or updated details from COBRA. (COBRA does not allow CLUB View to feed changes from the website back to COBRA. This means that the club should only add or update members’ details in COBRA itself, and not edit member details in the admin area of the website.)

Members are able to update their personal details directly in COBRA, via a link from the members' area of the website.

Member data is synchronised from COBRA to the CLUB View website automatically on a daily basis. The club can also manually trigger an immediate synchronisation. This manual sync would be useful if, for example, a new member has only just been added to COBRA, but wishes to log in to the website straight away.

Access to competitions, handicaps & accounts

Access to competitions results and booking, as well as to handicap information and account statements, is made quicker and easier for members through a ‘single sign-on’ (SSO) system. A member who has logged in to the website can click straight through to the COBRA web pages; they do not have to remember or enter a separate log-in.

Members’ dashboard

The members’ website dashboard can display both the member’s handicap and account balance(s), both of which are fetched ‘live’ from COBRA. The ability to have account balances listed on the COBRA website (and thus on the CV members’ dashboard) may require subscription to an additional service from MH Systems.

A sample screenshot of a members’ area dashboard:

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