CLUB View integrations with ClubV1

This article gives an overview of the integrations that will benefit CLUB View clients who are also users of ClubV1, the latest membership and EPoS software from Club Systems.

Member data upload

This makes it easy to synchronise current membership data from ClubV1 into your website. This removes the need for members' records on the website to be added, suspended and updated manually which, in addition to saving time, also eliminates the risk of human error. For more information please see our help centre article on uploading member data.

Log-in with HowDidiDo Passport

CLUB View websites can be set up for members to log in using their HowDidiDo Passport account. This makes things much easier for members, as they only need to remember one password to access all of the club's online services. Our article about HowDidiDo Passport log-in contains further details.

ClubV1 Members' Hub

The ClubV1 Members' Hub is a service from Club Systems that allows members to see important information such as their account balance, till transactions, handicap information, club competitions, etc. Your CLUB View members' website and the ClubV1 Members' Hub can be linked to one another, making it easy for members to travel back and forth between the two systems.

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