Example email to members about HowDidiDo Passport

Below is an example of the email that will be sent to members when a CLUB View website switches to using HowDidiDo Passport for members to log in. To give members time to sign up for a Passport account, clubs may also wish to send out a truncated version of this message (containing step 1 only) in advance of the switchover.

Dear {{firstname}},

EXAMPLE_GOLF_CLUB is pleased to announce a major improvement to how you log in to the club's website and other online services.

To make things simpler and easier for members the club is now using the 'HowDidiDo Passport' log-in service for all members' online services.

This upgrade replaces the old log-in system for the members' area, so your previous log-in details will no longer work. From now on you will only be able to access the members' area using your HowDidiDo Passport account.

Please ensure you read the rest of this email, as it contains information you will need before you can start logging in via the new system.

The upgrade to HowDidiDo Passport log-ins means you will only have to log in once to get access to the members' website, your account on HowDidiDo.com, and personalised information such as your account balance through the ClubV1 Members' Hub.

Step 1 - your HowDidiDo Passport account

If you have logged in to HowDidiDo then you already have a Passport account; just use the same email address and password you use on HowDidiDo when you are asked to log in with Passport.

If you have never logged in to HowDidiDo then you will need to register for a new Passport account.

If you are not sure if you need to register, or if you have a shared email address, please read our website provider’s detailed guidance on logging in with Passport.

Step 2 - logging in for the first time

The first time you use your Passport account to access the members' website you will be asked to enter a 'verification code'. You will only need to do this once.

The following Passport verification details are for {{firstname}} {{lastname}} only.

Your membership number: {{number}}
Your verification code: {{password}}
Log-in page: www.example.com/login

On the log-in page you will be prompted to log in to your Passport account, after which you will need to enter your club membership number and the verification code above.

Kind regards,

In addition to the 'Passport guidance for members' article linked to in the above email, we have also prepared a detailed Passport log-in troubleshooting guide that the club office should use if any members get stuck with the new log-in process.

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