Uploading & importing member data to your website

This article tells you how to update the member data in your CLUB View website by uploading an file of current membership data, which you have exported from your club management system and saved onto your personal computer.

If you have not yet created an export file to upload we have instructions available for these systems:

(There is a different import process for MH Systems ‘Cobra’. If you are using a different club management system altogether please contact support@clubview.co.uk for advice.)

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Log in to your website as an administrator.
  2. Click on the "Users" tab.
  3. Click on the "Upload Member Data" button, towards the top right of the screen. (If this button is not showing on your website then it is not yet set up to allow uploads of member data. Please contact support@clubview.co.uk for help.)
  4. On the page that loads, click the button under the heading "Select your export file of member data", then locate and select the export file you have saved from your club management system.
  5. Click the "upload now" button to copy your export file into your CLUB View website.
  6. Once the upload has completed successfully you will see the "Import Member Data" page, where you can first use the "test import..." button to do a trial-run of the import and check what changes that will be made. The total number of member records added, updated and suspended will be displayed at the very end of the test results.
  7. Assuming test results look right, you can then use the "import member data now" button to update CLUB View.

Checking the results of previous imports

If you want to check the results of previous imports you can find these under the "log files" tab in the website admin area:

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